The OSG Youth Network provides young people with diverse opportunities to engage meaningfully in ocean governance processes and collaborate with key stakeholders. It works closely with UNEP's Regional Seas Programme, which addresses ocean and coastal management issues specific to different regions of the world. Youth members are empowered to contribute to the activities and mandates of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (RSCAPs), including:
Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention)
Eastern Africa (Nairobi Convention)
Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention)
Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention)
North-West Pacific (NOWPAP)
Western Africa (Abidjan Convention)
Eastern Asian Seas (COBSEA)
The OSG Youth Network also supports youth engagement in the Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML). This avenue focuses on building a collective youth voice to address plastic pollution challenges and advance solutions aligned with global frameworks like the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) process on plastic pollution.
Other UN Processes and Collaborative Opportunities
Webinar | Towards 2025 UN Ocean Conference: #LetsBeNicetotheOcean
Join Us
Are you passionate about ocean conservation and governance? Do you believe in the power of youth to shape a sustainable future for our oceans?
Join the Ocean Science and Governance Youth Network and become part of a global movement driving change.​ Express your interest in joining the network HERE!​