Are you passionate about ocean science and governance? Do you want to contribute to youth-led efforts in shaping global and regional ocean policies?
The Ocean Science and Governance Youth Network (OSG Youth Network) welcomes individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds to join our vibrant community of changemakers.
Who Can Join?
Individuals: Young people aged 35 and below with an interest or expertise in ocean-related issues.
Organizations: Youth-led or youth-serving organizations working on marine and ocean governance, conservation, or related fields.​
How to Join?
Individuals: Fill out the membership application form:
Organizations: Email us at with your organization’s profile and intent to join.
Why Join Us?
Collaborate Globally: Connect with like-minded peers and experts from across the world.
Capacity Building: Access workshops, webinars, and training sessions on ocean science and governance.
Influence Policy: Engage in key international processes, including UNEP-administered Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (RSCAPs), and contribute to shaping policies that impact our oceans.
Showcase Leadership: Lead initiatives, represent youth perspectives, and drive action on critical marine issues.
Webinar | Towards 2025 UN Ocean Conference: #LetsBeNicetotheOcean
Join Us
Are you passionate about ocean conservation and governance? Do you believe in the power of youth to shape a sustainable future for our oceans?
Join the Ocean Science and Governance Youth Network and become part of a global movement driving change.​ Express your interest in joining the network HERE!​