Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP
We are the formal youth engagement mechanism to UN Environment Programme and a movement of youth and youth organizations from different parts of world working for environmental conservation. The constituency is youth-led and independent.
A space for children and youth to engage meaningfully in environmental governance and conservation processes across the UN system

We advocate for inclusion, empowerment and meaningful engagement of young people in environmental processes, especially those of UNEP and UNEAs. This is done through four areas of work: policy-advocacy, knowledge sharing, capacity-building and youth action; and different engagement avenues.

The Steering Committee is elected or peer-selected for two years. The Steering Committee is composed of regional facilitators and thematic facilitators, and it is responsible for policy coherence, regional coordination, oversight of working groups, in addition to general governance functions of the constituency.

Our youth constituency is open to all youth and youth organisations interested in environmental governance topics and conservation.​