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Informal Youth Consultations on Draft Resolutions and Decisions For UNEA6

Update: Register to join the final consultation HERE!

The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), the highest-level global environmental decision-making body, serves as a platform for member states and stakeholders to address pressing environmental challenges. The sixth session of UNEA (UNEA-6) is a critical moment for shaping international environmental policy on the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. To date, Member states have submitted twenty-one (21) Draft Resolutions and two (2) Draft Decisions for further negotiations

Register as an 'individual' to join the CYMG mailing list and stay updated on IYCs and Draft Resolutions.


Recognizing the importance of youth engagement in the decision-making processes that directly impact their future, Informal Youth Consultations (IYCs) will be organized virtually to gather perspectives, insights, and recommendations from young leaders, experts and advocates. These consultations will focus on reviewing and providing inputs on draft resolutions and decisions to be negotiated at the Sixth Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives Meeting (OECPR-6) preceding UNEA-6. 

The outcomes derived from these IYCs will play a pivotal role in shaping the formal interventions/statements of the CYMG during OECPR-6 and UNEA-6. Additionally, they are designed to contribute substantively to the Global Youth Declaration on Environment

To guide the formulation of youth policy positions on draft texts and key thematic areas, the following common guiding questions have been delineated for Informal Youth Consultations (IYCs):

  1. What are the relevant UNEA resolutions/UNEP interventions/resolutions from MEAs and processes?

  2. Is there scope to include language on intergenerational equity or youth engagement?

  3. ⁠What texts/languages are supported?

  4. What texts/languages are subject to reservations?

  5. What further amendments could/should be suggested?

  6. What is being proposed that marks a new contribution to prior resolutions/decisions?

Previous IYC Sessions

Informal Youth Consultation (30 December 2023 - Saturday | 1400 - 1530 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered:

  • Enhancing the role and viability of regional environment ministerial forums and regional offices 

  • Promoting synergistic approach to address the triple crisis and support sustainable development 

Informal Youth Consultation (06 January 2024 - Saturday | 1400 - 1530 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered:

  • Stepping up efforts for enhancing the circular economy transition domestically, regionally, and globally   

  • Environmental aspects of minerals and metals management 

  • Sustainable Lifestyles 

Informal Youth Consultation (07 January 2024 - Sunday | 1400 - 1530 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

  • Global alliance on highly hazardous pesticides

  • Sound management of chemicals and waste

  • Promoting regional cooperation to improve air quality globally

  • Circularity of a resilient and low-carbon sugar cane agroindustry

Informal Youth Consultation (08 January 2024 - Monday | 1600 - 1730 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

  • Effective and inclusive solutions to strengthen water policies for sustainable development in the context of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution 

  • Strengthening international efforts to halt land degradation, restore degraded lands and increase ecosystem and communities’ resilience to drought 

Informal Youth Consultation (09 January 2024 - Tuesday | 1500 - 1630 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

  • Standards, norms and criteria for the implementation of Nature-based Solutions for supporting sustainable development

  • Sustainable management of Cascade Systems 

  • Combating Sand and Dust Storms

Informal Youth Consultation (14 January 2024 - Sunday | 1400 - 1530 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

  • Effective, Inclusive, and Sustainable Multilateral Actions towards Climate Justice

  • Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)

Informal Youth Consultation (14 January 2024 - Friday | 1830 - 2000 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

  • Fostering national action to address environmental challenges through increased cooperation between UNEA, UNEP, and MEAs 

  • Strengthening ocean and seas governance to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity loss and pollution 

Informal Youth Consultation (15 January 2024 - Monday | 1600 - 1700 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

  • Environmental Assistance and recovery in areas affected by armed conflict

IYC: Cluster A - Pollution, Chemicals and Waste (20 January 2024 - Saturday | 1300 - 1500 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

Draft Res 1. Global alliance on highly hazardous pesticides
Draft Res 2. Sound management of chemicals and waste
Draft Res 3. Promoting regional cooperation to improve air quality globally
Draft Res 4. Combating Sand and Dust Storms
Draft Res 5. Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)

IYC: Cluster C - International Environmental Governance (25 January 2024 - Thursday | 1500 - 1700 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

Draft Res 12. Fostering national action to address environmental challenges through increased cooperation between UNEA, UNEP, and MEAs
Draft Res 13. Enhancing the role and viability of regional environment ministerial forums and regional offices in achieving multilateral cooperation in tackling environmental challenges
Draft Res 14. Promoting synergistic approach to address the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution and support sustainable development
Draft Res 15. Effective, Inclusive, and Sustainable Multilateral Actions towards Climate Justice 

IYC: Cluster D - Addressing Root Causes of Triple Planetary Crisis (27 January 2024 - Saturday | 1600 - 1800 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

Draft Res 16. Stepping up efforts for enhancing the circular economy transition domestically, regionally, and globally
Draft Res 17. Environmental aspects of minerals and metals management
Draft Res 18. Environmental assistance and recovery in areas affected by armed conflicts.
Draft Res 19. Resolution on Sustainable Lifestyles
Draft Res 20. Circularity of a resilient and low-carbon sugar cane agroindustry 

IYC: Cluster B - Nature and Ecosystems (28 January 2024 - Sunday | 1400 - 1600 UTC)

Draft Resolutions Covered

Draft Res 6. Effective and inclusive solutions to strengthen water policies for sustainable development in the context of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
Draft Res 7. Strengthening international efforts to halt land degradation, restore degraded lands and increase ecosystem and communities’ resilience to drought.
Draft Res 8. Standards, norms and criteria for the implementation of Nature-based Solutions for supporting sustainable development
Draft Res 9. Sustainable management of Cascade Systems
Draft Res 10. Addressing complications caused by sargassum seaweed
Draft Res 11. Strengthening ocean and seas governance to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity loss and pollution


For more information, please contact:

Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik and Gyubin Hwang

Global Focal Points

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