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Youth Plastic Action Network


Youth constituencies formed a coalition to engage in INC Plastics Negotiations

The Global Youth Coalition on Plastic Pollution (GYCPP) has been established as a vital platform for fostering youth engagement in addressing plastic pollution. With the aim of ensuring an effective and inclusive Plastics Treaty, the GYCPP represents a coordination body encompassing multiple youth constituencies and networks.

What We Do

Facilitating Meaningful Youth Participation: We strive to enable the active involvement of young people in policy-making processes concerning plastic pollution, including the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC). By amplifying the voices of youth, we seek to ensure their perspectives are considered and integrated into decision-making.


Encouraging Collaboration and Partnerships: The GYCPP promotes collaboration and partnerships among youth-led organizations. By fostering collective positions and strategies, we aim to enhance our collective impact in eliminating plastic pollution and safeguarding the environment. Together, we can drive transformative change.


Monitoring Progress and Accountability: We are committed to monitoring the progress and implementation of policies and actions related to plastic pollution. Holding governments and stakeholders accountable for protecting the well-being of children, youth, and future generations is a crucial aspect of our work. Through advocacy and oversight, we will push for meaningful change.

Previous Statements and Submissions

We demand an ambitious treaty with binding global goals to end plastic pollution by 2035, one that takes into account the entire life-cycle of plastics and leaves no room for ambiguity and violations.


These should include an immediate elimination of hazardous, unnecessary, and single-use plastics, coupled with a safe, just transition to an indigenous knowledge and science-based circular economy that prioritizes reduction and reuse and establishes clear definitions, standards, and labelling. Governments must extend producer and importer responsibilities and hold them accountable for the damage they continue to make. 

Statements Delivered, Written Submissions, Position Papers and Other Documents >>​​​ 


Ahead of and at the First Part of the Fifth Session (INC 5.1) in Busan, Republic of Korea​


Ahead of and at the Fourth Session (INC-4) 


Ahead of and at the Third Session (INC-3) in Nairobi, Kenya​


At the Second Session (INC-2) in Paris, France​

Participating Constituencies

The GYCPP facilitates universal engagement for all youth and youth-led organizations in the space. It currently comprises representatives from various youth constituencies and platforms, including:


  • Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP (UNEA/UNEP)

  • Chemicals and Waste Youth Platform (SAICM & BRS)

  • SCP Youth Platform (10YFP)

  • Global Youth Health Caucus (WHO)

  • Children and Youth Constituency for Sustainable Communities (UN-Habitat)

  • Global Youth Biodiversity Network (CBD)


  • Major Group for Children and Youth (ECOSOC & HLPF)

Capacity Building for Youth >>
CYMG Plastic Action Working Group
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